
Imagine you’re driving and it starts to rain.

It gets harder to see the road, so naturally, you flick your windscreen wipers on – but hold on, what’s that noise?

That’s the ear-piercing squeak of worn-out wiper blades barely clearing your screen.

It could be time to get those replaced.

Almost every decision you make on the road is based on what you can see. This means your windscreen wipers play a humble yet vital role in helping you make better driving decisions, especially during rain or snow. This means it’s important to always ensure that your wiper blades are performing as they should.

But, how do you know when they aren’t performing properly? And when should you get them replaced?

Well, let’s find out.

How often should you replace your windscreen wipers?

A good rule of thumb is to replace your wiper blades every twelve months.

But if you live and drive in hot conditions and use your wipers a lot, this timeframe can be shorter.  So, to ensure optimal results, you should consider replacing your wiper blades as soon as you notice any change in their wiping performance.  And regularly check your wiper blades as part of your regular vehicle maintenance checklist.

Here are 5 common signs that you need new wiper blades

Like all parts of a vehicle, your wiper blades will wear out over time. Frequency of use and exposure to the elements are typically the most significant determining factors of their lifespan.

However, if you’re still unsure when to replace them, here are 5 obvious signs that it’s time:

A streaky windscreen is one of the most common signs that your wiper blades need replacing. While a little streaking is normal, large noticeable streaks often mean that the rubber on your blade is damaged and needs replacing.

Old and worn wiper blades may no longer touch all areas on the surface of your windscreen, leaving unwiped sections that can interfere with your view of the road ahead.

This can also be caused by a bent tension strip or a deformed wiper blade due to long-term resting in the resting position in high temperatures – and is a sign that you need new blades.

A new wiper blade removes water and debris quickly, smoothly and without a sound.

As time goes on, however, you might start to hear a screeching sound caused by weathered or hardened rubber gliding over the windscreen. Your wipers may also only clean in vertical lines.  Not only does this affect your wiper performance, but it could also start scratching your windscreen as well – meaning it’s time to get those blades replaced, pronto!

As we just said, wiper blades are meant to move across the glass smoothly. When they start leaving smears, it may mean your blades are missing portions of their rubber.

If a particular area of your windscreen just doesn’t seem to get clean, check the frame of the blade: the rigid plastic and metal that keeps the blade in place.

This is because wiper frames can actually get damaged quite easily, which also affects the performance of your wiper blades. 

So, it’s important to get these replaced if you find they have been impacted in any way.

Wiper blades are an important part of your vehicle, but general use and exposure to the elements will impact their performance over time.

When you start to notice any of the signs above, it’s time to perhaps change.

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Ah Hei